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ART F261X: World History of Art I
Prehistoric to Medieval Art
Museum Wings
Prehistoric Art (750,000 C-1st Century CE)
Paleolithic Art (750,000 C–10,000 BCE)
Woman of Willendorf
Woman from Dolní Věstonice
Chauvet Cave
Lascaux Cave
Altamira Cave
Bison Reliefs
Neolithic Art (8,000BCE-2,000BCE)
Neolithic Pottery
Man and Woman from Cernavodâ
Art of the Ancient Near East
Anu Ziggurat and White Temple
Head of a Woman
Carved Vessel from Uruk
Votive Figures
Great Lyre with Bull’s Head
Cylinder Seals
Akkad, Ur, Lagash, and Babylon
Head of an Akkadian Ruler
Stele of Naram-Sin
Nanna Ziggurat
Votive Statue of Gudea
The Stele of Hammurabi
Assyria and Neo-Babylonia
Assurnasirpal II Killing Lions
Lamassu Figures
Assurbanipal and His Queen in the Garden
Ishtar Gate
Naqsh-e Rustam
Oxus Treasure
Art of Ancient Egypt
Early Dynastic Egypt
Predynastic Ceramics
Funerary Complex of King Djoser
The Palette of King Narmer
The Old Kingdom
The Great Pyramids
The Funerary Complex of Khafre
Menkaure and a Queen
Seated Scribe
Ti Watching a Hippopotamus Hunt
The Middle Kingdom
Head of Senusret III
Rock-Cut Tombs at Beni Hasan
Funerary Stele
The New Kingdom
Temple of Amun at Karnak
Funerary Temple of Hatshepsut
Nebamun Hunting Birds in the Marshes
Bust of Nefertiti
King Tutankhamun
Objects from Daily Life
Temple of Ramses II at Abu Simbel
Tomb of Nefertari
Books of the Dead
Art of the Ancient Aegean
The Cycladic Islands
Minoan Civilization
The Palace Complex at Knossos
Frescoes From Akrotiri
Kamares Ware
Snake Goddesses
Marine Style Ceramics
Mycenaean Culture
The Lion Gate
The Mask of Agamemnon
Treasury of Atreus
Mycenaean Ceramics
Art of Ancient Greece 900-323 BCE
The Geometric (Orientalizing) Period 900-600 BCE
Funerary Krater
Bronze Figurines
Orientalizing Ceramics
The Archaic Period 600-479 BCE
Sanctuary of Apollo, Delphi
Temple of Aphaia, Aegina
Kouros Figures
Kore Figures
Exekias’s Ajax and Achilles Playing a Game
Euphronios and Euxitheos’s The Death of Sarpedon
The Classical Period 479-323 BCE
The Early Classical Period 479-450 BCE
Kritios Boy
Riace Warrior
Myron’s Discobolus
White-Ground Ceramic Painting
The High Classical Period 450-400 BCE
The Akropolis
The Parthenon
The Erechtheion
Temple of Athena Nike
The Athenian Agora
Polykleitos’ Spear Bearer (Doryphoros)
Grave Stele
The Late Classical Period 400-323 BCE
Praxiteles’ Aphrodite of Knidos
Lysippos’ Man Scraping Himself (Apoxyomenos)
Greek Wall Painting
The Hellenistic Period 323-31 BCE
Theater at Epidauros
The Laocoon
Sleeping Eros
The Nike of Samothrace
Old Woman
Aphrodite of Melos
Etruscan Art 900-500 BCE
Porta Augusta
Temple of Minerva
Tomb of the Reliefs
Tomb of the Triclinium
Cerveteri Sarcophagus
Sarcophagus of Larth Tetnies and Thanchvil Tarnai
Works in Bronze
Etruscan Ceramics
Etruscan Jewelry
Capitoline She-Wolf
Roman Art 509 BCE-476 CE
The Roman Republic 509-27 BCE
Portrait Sculpture
Aulus Metellus (The Orator)
Pont du Gard
Temple of Portunus
Tomb of the Scipios
The Early Empire 27 BCE-96 CE
Augustus of Primaporta
Ara Pacis Augustae
Gemma Augustae
Wall Painting
Villa of the Mysteries
Villa of Livia
Arch of Titus
The Colosseum
Imperial Portrait Sculpture
High Imperial Art 96-180 CE
Forum of Trajan
The Column of Trajan
The Pantheon
Hadrian’s Villa at Tivoli
Hadrian’s Wall
Equestrian Statue of Marcus Aurelius
Commodus as Hercules
The Late Empire 180-476 CE
Baths of Caracalla
The Tetrarchy
Basilica of Maxentius and Constantine (Basilica Nova)
The Arch of Constantine
The Colossus of Constantine
Jewish and Early Christian Art
Jewish Art
Temple of Solomon
Cave of the Patriarchs
The Royal Complex at Herodium
Jewish Catacombs
Synagogue at Dura-Europos
Beit Alpha Synagogue
Early Christian Art
Christian Catacombs
Baptistery at Dura-Europos
Old Saint Peter’s Basilica
Church of Santa Sabina
Church of Santa Costanza
The Oratory of Galla Placidia
Byzantine Art
Early Byzantine Art
Hagia Sophia
Church of San Vitale
Monastery of St. Catherine on Mount Sinai
Illuminated Manuscripts
Ivory Panel with Archangel
Early Byzantine Icons
Middle Byzantine Art
Monastery Churches at Hosios Loukas
Cathedral of Santa Sophia in Kiev
Monastery Church of the Dormition at Daphni
The Cathedral of St. Mark in Venice
Harbaville Triptych
Illuminated Manuscripts
Middle Byzantine Icons
Late Byzantine Art
Pammakaristos Church
Andrei Rublev, Icon Painter
Early Medieval Art
Gothic Art
Course Documents
Introductory Video
Discussion Forum
Grant Proposals
Final Project
Student Projects
Art of Ancient Greece 900-323 BCE
The Geometric (Orientalizing) Period
The Archaic Period
The Classical Period
The Hellenistic Period