ART F261X – Final Project Instructions
20% of final grade
Recreation Project and Reflection Paper
- The art piece recreation
- A 2-3 page reflection paper on your final project and process
- The visual presentation of your art piece (posted in discussions in Canvas)
- Respond to at least 2 of your peers posts in the Discussion
These are split up as two assignments in the Gradebook:
- Final Project Discussion (100 pts)
- Your Visual Presentation posted in Canvas Discussion (80 pts)
- 2 peer responses to their projects (20pts – 10pts each)
- The Final Project Reflection (100 pts)
- The art piece you created (60 pts)
- The 2-3 page reflection paper (40 pts)
The Art Piece Recreation
Skill or experience is not a factor in grading but effort and intent are part of grading. Even if you are not skilled or experienced in making art it is obvious and clear the amount of time and effort that a student puts into a work.
1. Choose a work from the prehistoric era to the 14th century (the time periods we are covering in class). This can be something that has been discussed and is in one of the the museum wings or something that you find on your own.
2. Change the medium of the work. For example if the original piece is carved out of stone you can recreate it using paint, printmaking, metal, wood, photography, etc. If the original piece is a painting please recreate it through drawing, printmaking, metal, wood, photography, etc. (If you want to use a different painting technique, please run it by me first). Keep in mind that this is a opportunity to be creative — I once had a student recreate a painting in Sculpey.
3. Change the design of the object by at least 20%. This is in keeping with current (and extremely vague) copyright laws and will also require you to think creatively about the project and not just copy it outright. For example, you could choose to change the content, reinterpret the message, or reproduce just part of an image.
The 2-3 Paper
This will be posted in Canvas under assignments. Here are some elements to include and consider for the paper:
Title Page: Your name, date, original piece, time period, original artist, new name of recreation, AND A PICTURE OF YOUR PROJECT.
The Body:
- This should discuss briefly the original work you are working from – history and artist
- Your process and experience – what you learned, what you would do differently, what you changed about the original and why
- Discuss any additional concepts you added to the work.
- Make sure you cite information correctly just like you would in any other.
- If you feel your experience was a “failed” one–discuss and dissect that! That can be so interesting to read about.
The Visual Presentation
Post your finished work in the appropriate Discussion Channel (Final Projects) in Canvas. Think of the Grant Proposal Presentation. So this should contain several slides or a video of your project. Some subjects to include/consider:
- Progress shots
- The original piece you are working from
- Most importantly the finished piece.
- Include an other influences
- Use captions to help guide your peers!
Details to include in captions of your presentation:
- The name of the original piece you worked from
- the original date of the piece
- the original artist
- what time period it comes from
- and the medium (types of materials used to create it–marble, fresco, canvas, oils, etc.)
- New or adapted name of the piece
- Your materials used
- Lastly, a few fun facts about your piece and process, experience, things learned
2 Peer Posts
Just like in the regular discussions, you should read through and look at another student’s visual presentation of their final project and respond to their piece with some of your thoughts. Keep comments constructive, insightful, and supportive.