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Lacey Miller

The Hellenistic era is characterized by the spread of Greek influence after the death of Alexander the Great. Artists moved beyond images of the ideal and instead represented a greater range of subject matter. However, there is no one style that unites the work from this era. Describe how Hellenistic art can be regarded as being more individualistic and diverse than Classical Greek art?

I rather appreciate the individualistic qualities of Hellenistic art. We can see the diversity deepen from classical Greek art. Old Woman, for example, has a slumped posture and a gaunt face, though still a beautiful piece of work. I also appreciate the more organic posture of the statues during this time, like in THE NIKE OF SAMOTHRACE, and an even more extreme example in LAOCOÖN AND HIS SONS. Their bodies are not stoick, they are not stable, they are much more free form. The subject matter was more diverse, the activities of the subjects were broader, from agony to complete relaxation. This is a time that really seems to push the comfort of the viewer, broadening boundaries of the artists.