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Laura Barber

The Minoans’ art contained many more luxurious items than the Mycenaeans’ art did, indicating that the culture was comfortable enough to have the time and money for such things. For example, the kamares jugs and rhytons were both table ware used for serving aristocrats liquids. These were also found in other regions of the world, indicating that the civilization had a strong trade network. The Warrior Krater of the Mycenaean period showcased soldiers heading off to war, whereas the ceramic ware of the Minoan period, such as the Harvester Rhyton, displayed men participating in what was likely a harvest festival or religious procession. They also produced works such as honeybee pendants, octopus flasks, and snake goddess figurines, all of which express an understanding and appreciation for the animals and natural world around them.
Even the architecture of the two civilizations was created differently. Mycenae was designed so that it could be easily defended against enemies, whereas the Palace Complex at Knossos was created on flatter ground and included many decorative features. This stark contrast between what occupied the attention of the two cultures makes sense given the prompt downfall of the Mycenaeans and their preceding turbulent existence.